I'm finding out what Moses said in this verse is so very true! The Bible is not just words but LIFE!
"They are not just idle words for you--they are your life. By them you will live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess." ~Deuteronomy 32:47

Friday, August 16, 2013

Whoa we're halway there . . .

Whoa. . .we're living on a prayer ~Bon Jovi

Did I just quote Jon Bon Jovi? Why yes I did because we are HALF way through the 12 weeks at Brain Balance and praying is what keeps us going.

The past 6 weeks have been tough!!! Not going to lie! I met the task at hand with a full blown exercise chart and new planned out schedule. At the end of the first week in my best George Lopez voice (George Lopez "I got this!" Compilation )  I said to myself "I got this!" Hahahahaha It's funny . . . .NOW!

You see I'm a "WM". . .working mom. So my kids have always been in daycare. Our daycare is AWESOME. Ethan went there since he was 2 and Nora started there when she was born. The teachers and staff are the BEST! Could drop off my precious arrows and not worry because I knew they were being well taken care of and most importantly loved. At the end of the first week at Brain Balance we were notified the daycare would be CLOSING! What?? That wasn't in MY plan . . . or on my chart.

Thankfully Sam is working 2nd shift. At the time he was switched we weren't happy but God knew what was ahead. So new daily routine charts were created with the help of foam pieces and Velcro. We did get Nora in a summer camp 2 days a week and when school starts she will go 5 days a week 1/2 a day at the new pre-school. She LOVES her "new school" and tells everyone she meets about it. She gets to do gymnastics there one day a week too and is soaking it up! Next Mary Lou Retton?? Maybe!

We all are still adjusting to this new schedule and bracing ourselves for more changes when school starts back in a week. The crazy thing is amidst the chaos we are actually spending more time together as a family. Who knew?? God did!

Progress Report: Ethan has been a real trooper. The exercises 3 times a day are coming along. Some of the things he does: "Finger Kisses" where he touches each finger to his thumb and then back which helps with fine motor skills. We play the old school Memory Game which he loves! "Silly Steps" where I give him instructions like "Go to the bathroom, get your toothpaste, put it on your head and walk backwards back into the kitchen." You start out simple and then you build on the instructions. Eye exercises, diaphragmatic breathing and listening to music.

One of the biggest adjustments has been "screen time". Screen time is TV, Computer, phone, etc. He only gets ONE hour a day (2 hours on Sat/Sun). That was hard at first but he's learning to just go PLAY! I think ALL kids would benefit from that. Also, screen time is a privilege. Don't follow the house rules then you loose your screen time. Screen time has become a precious commodity at the Isenhours.

He has already come up one level in most areas but still has a long way to go. The director at BB said something very interesting to me during his progress report meeting. She said its hard to distinguish what is the ADHD and what are habits he's formed to help him cope because of the ADHD deficits. To me that was eye opening! We've already seen definite changes in his behavior. For example, he used to get up first thing in the morning and just repeat a word over and over and over again going about his morning routine. Or even when playing in him room by himself. Just a constant non-sense jabbering. Now I hear him actually playing. . . you know car crash and helicopter sounds. I know it seems like a small thing but to me HUGE! He also, like most kids, would ask the same question over knowing the answer was "no". So instead of obliging him with a "no" the 2nd time I now say, "Didn't I already answer that?" Just to put on the brakes and make him think. We've been doing this for awhile and the other day the 2nd time he asked before I could even speak he said "wait you already said no so the answer is no." WHAT?? I was SHOCKED!! HUGE I tell you HUGE! I can say Brain Balance has not only been good for Ethan but for all of us.

6 more weeks to go at BB and school starts in a week. Thank you to those that have been praying for us. Please continue to pray. More schedule adjustments ahead. Starting the school year with NO medication and we don't plan to put him back on it. Pray for Ethan to have a calm body at school and to be attentive. Pray for understanding and love from his teacher. Ethan is a strong-willed child and you can't demand much and get results but you can love that boy into anything.  We covet your prayers.

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The one who made me Mom

I hope to blog at least once a week. (Don't hold me to it) But I do want to share with everyone what's going on with us in hopes that it may help someone else.

We've started Ethan at Brain Balance Achievement Center. (To learn more about BB you can read about them here http://www.brainbalancecenters.com/ or find them on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/brainbalancecharlotte )

Ethan just finished up his first week at the center. He has done really well and we are SO SO proud of him!! He has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD). As a parent, I expect my child to behave in an acceptable manner at school and everywhere else. However, I have had to recognize that certain behaviors are characteristic of AD/HD. Some of these behaviors are disruptive but Ethan isn’t trying to be “bad.” Instead, he’s responding to difficulties and deficits that result from his disorder. It’s not my poor parenting, lack of disciplining him or my kid is just a brat . . .AD/HD is REAL!! For those that don’t believe it is I’d be glad to educate you. 

I love Ethan for who he is and EXACTLY how GOD made him. He's not a victim and I'm not a victim. People may look at me and say (and yes have said to me before--well meaning clueless people I might add) "Wow she has her hands full with him. " Yes I do! Full of blessings! I'm blessed to have Ethan as my son. After a week at Brain Balance and seeing children with all sorts of difficulties I know I'm blessed BEYOND measure! Yes having a child with AD/HD is hard. Some days he drives me a little crazy but at the end of the day I'm still BLESSED and thank God for the little guy who made me Mom. BLESSED that God knew Ethan was the PERFECT fit for ME when HE knitted him in my womb.

His AD/HD has made me learn a lot about myself. I've learned to pick and choose my battles. Patience. Understanding. Perspective. How to ignore certain behavior even though honestly it is making me nuts! How to say I'm sorry on days I totally blow it. Consistency and schedules have to exist and that family is my first ministry. This season in my life God is calling me to focus on my family and my children. I've had to let go of other serving aspects which was a hard thing for me. I want to do it ALL!  But who am I kidding? I'm not Wonder Woman and would never fit into her outfit anyways.

So what is this Brain Balance? If you have a child with AD/HD I highly recommend you read Disconnected Kids by Dr. Robert Melillo. That will give you a good idea on what Brain Balance is and does. You actually don't have to go to the center to perform the exercises that can help your child but we chose to go since there is one in our area.
Through a series of assessments it was determined Ethan is right brain weak. So when he goes to the center (3 days a week) and we do exercises at home (3 times a day) those all target on strengthening the right side of the brain. We also do core strengthening exercise since kids with AD/HD tend to be clumsy and typically have no self-awareness of body position. The big long technical term is proprioception in case you were wondering.
One of our main goals for going to Brain Balance is for him to be off his medication and stay off. He has been off medication for an entire week now and with only one major meltdown. (He typically had them daily and multiple times a day) That meltdown was due in large part to the fact our whole entire life routines have changed the past week and we all are adjusting. Kids with AD/HD have a hard time when routines are changed.
The staff at BB is AMAZING!! They are all so kind and understanding. Ethan has the biggest smile on his face when he leaves. They know just the right way to cheer him on. It's also been great to meet other parents and talk with them about their children. For me that is therapy! It is refreshing to talk to people who are going through similar things because people who aren't going through "this" don't truly understand. It's nice to know you are not the only one. 
Why did we choose Brain Balance? Honestly from the beginning it was a "God thing." It all started with a post a dear friend of mine put on Facebook about the book  Disconnected Kids. After reading the book, researching, talking to God about it, researching more, discussing with my friend, seeing the results she had with her son, talking to God about it, talking to God about it, talking to God about it. . . .everything one day just fell into place. And here we are full force into the 2nd week . . . crazy schedules and all. The good news is we are now in a new routine with new schedules . . . still getting the kinks worked out  . . . but at the end of the day again we are BLESSED!
I'll leave you with two thoughts. . .  Psalm 139:14 (NKJV) I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works; and that my soul knows very well.
Secondly. . . a friend on mine posted this on Facebook and it spoke volumes to me!


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Information Day

The Lord has allowed me to remember this day vividly just like it was yesterday.

April 11, 2011 started out for me as a typical Monday. Rushing to get the kids to daycare and rushing to get to work. I was up early that day and getting Nora’s bottles ready. The daycare required us to write the date on them so I looked at the calendar and said, “Huh its 411.” Sam and I laughed about it being “411 or information day.” Most of us know “411” as information. I think now it’s become more politically correct to say directory assistance. I dropped the kids at daycare, stopped to get gas, chatted with a friend and then off to Greensboro, NC to deliver polices to some attorneys for work.

I arrived in Greensboro and met my first client. I had some time afterwards to kill so I decided to go to Target to pick up a few things. I got what I needed and headed to the check out to pay. Then the Lord prompted me to get cash back. I really believe it was the Lord because I hardly ever get cash back since I have my debit card. I got $10 cash back. I thought to myself, “Why did I do that? I don’t NEED cash.” I got in the car plugged the next appointment address into my GPS and headed out the main entrance of the Target which was not the way I had come in the shopping complex. 
When I pulled to the light I saw a homeless lady standing to my right at the corner. Her cardboard sign said “have a nice day” and she was smiling. In my head I’m thinking, “just don’t look at her, look at the light, look at the light, KEEP looking at the light.” You know what I’m talking about because you’ve done the same thing. The Lord gently reminded me, “Beverly you have that $10 in your wallet.” I said, “Lord I don’t have time for this! I’m in line here I’d have to get in the other lane, the light is going to turn green. Besides I might NEED that $10 I just didn’t need five minutes ago.” The Lord pricked my heart again, “But you have that $10 in your wallet.” Ok Lord. So I pulled over to the curb and rolled down my passenger side window and said, “Hi how are you?” The woman said, “Well it’s hard out here in the heat trying to get by, and nobody’s hiring, but at least I don’t have to stay out in the streets this man at the motel lets me have a room for $26 a night so I can have a safe place to stay.” I said, “What’s your name?” She said, “My name is Tina.” I handed Tina the $10 and she smiled and said thank you.  The next thing that came out of my mouth was so foreign it sent me into a shock that I even said it, “Tina do you know Jesus?” She said “Ma’mam I’ve fallen away from God and church. I used to go to church but I haven’t been in a long time.” Then I did something even more out of the ordinary for me I said, “Tina can I pray with you right now?” I reached my hands through my passenger side window and held her hands and prayed. For her strength, safety and for her to know Jesus loved her. One of the most amazing things about it was the fact no one blew their horn, not sure how many times the light had turned from red to green or how long it had even been. Tina and I were at that point not defined as a stranger and a homeless lady but two sisters in Christ praying together. We said our goodbyes and I went to my next appointment thinking what in the world just happened? Then Satan started beating me up with things like, “You are crazy! What are you doing that lady could have stolen your purse.” The Lord reminded me I had done what he had urged me to do.
After my last appointment I went to lunch. I sat there and was praying and thanking God for the opportunity and reflecting on what just happened. I still had an unrest in my heart that I wished I had said or done more. I could hear my pastor saying, “It’s good to meet the physical needs of people but let’s make sure we meet the spiritual needs.” I thought Lord what do you want me to do? I prayed with her I gave her the $10. I need to get back to work I don’t have time. I heard him say, “She needs my word.”
(Let me stop here for a second. When I say “I heard the Lord” I don’t mean I heard him audibly but I’m talking about those instances we sense in our heart the Lord prodding us to do something. Often times we just ignore Him.)
I kept thinking how am I going to give her a Bible?  I had just taken my “church bag” out of my car I didn’t have a Bible. Besides she is going to think I am LOONEY TUNES if I take her a Bible. (That was the enemy again) I got back in my car and I said ok for kicks and giggles let’s see if there is a Family Christian or Lifeway nearby. There was a Family Christian close. I drove to the address my GPS had led me and the store wasn’t there so I called them. They had moved a few miles away. The clerk gave me the new address and I plugged it in and off I go whining to God the whole time.  I kept thinking, “Beverly are you seriously going to drive across Greensboro to a Bible bookstore to get a Bible? You are crazy!” The super sour attitude kicks in. (That’s the father of lies)
I get to Family Christian and I had in mind a Bible I wanted to purchase but they didn’t have it.  They had LOTS of other Bibles but not the one I had in mind. I asked the clerk, “Is there a Lifeway near?” She said yes.  Begrudgingly I said, “How far?” She instructed me. I exit the store and get to my car and audibly out loud ask myself “Are you really doing this? Are you crazy? Just go back in that store and get a Bible and be done with this!” I resisted and headed on to Lifeway whining and complaining and hoping Tina wouldn’t be there when I got back because I didn’t have time.
I found Lifeway and before I went in I called back to my office and told my boss’s wife that I was headed there shortly and she said, “Oh he didn’t expect you back here today.” At that point my whole attitude changed. You see Satan had been trying to talk me out of and give me EVERY excuse in the book to not do what the Lord was clearly telling me to do. He even told me things like “that lady will think you are crazy for giving her a Bible” and “you need to get back home it’s late” or “who are you to tell this lady about your Jesus you didn’t even want to give her $10.” I was exhausted and he was out of excuses!
I couldn’t get out of the car fast enough and get into Lifeway. I found the Bible I had been looking for which had the New Testament/Psalms/Proverbs but decided she needed a complete copy of God’s word. Right in the middle of Lifeway were these beautiful $5 Bibles all different colors with different imprints on the cover. I picked a pink one  with flowers of course! I went to the bookmark rack and found a bookmark that had Jeremiah 29:11 on it. Got back in the car and headed back to Tina.
Before I was whining and complaining I didn’t have time to run all over Greensboro to find a Bible and hoping she wouldn’t still be at Target. Now I was crying and asking God to forgive me for my bad attitude and begging him to please let her be there. SHE WAS STILL THERE! I pulled in the parking lot and opened the Bible and wrote her name and wrote from “God’s servant and sister in Christ” and then I wrote the date April 11, 2011 “411”  . . . this Bible. . . God’s words. . .answers. . . truth. . . LIFE. . .  was all the INFORMATION Ms. Tina needed. Friends do you think the date was coincidental? Everyone shake their head no! That’s our Lord teaching me in a very powerful and practical way a series of lessons.
I jumped out of my car and ran and grabbed her and hugged her. She was a bit taken back and I said, “Ms. Tina God wasn’t going to let me leave Greensboro until I gave you a copy of His word. I’m not doing this to have a feel good moment today. I’m doing this because God loves you. Do you know this Tina?” She said, “Yes I do.” Then I said, “I haven’t ever been where you’ve been Tina but I’ve been lots of places in my life where the truths in this book is the only thing that got me through.”  I handed her the Bible. She got the biggest smile on her face and said, “Thank you I’ve been wanting a Bible.” She opened it and she said “you wrote my name in it!” She said, “What is your name?” I said, “I’m hesitant to give you my name because I want anything that is done on this corner today all the honor and glory to go to our Lord.” I finally told her my name and we chatted a few minutes more. This time she stuck out her hand for me to shake it. I think she was afraid I was going to hug her again. She said, “When you are back this way again come back by and see me.”
I drove away BROKEN smashed to pieces. Sobbing. Why AM I NOT doing this MORE?? Why do we just drive by or ignore homeless people. Or maybe we do give them some money just to get a Band-Aid on our conscience.  I’m not suggesting you run up and hug the next homeless person you see unless the Lord CLEARLY tells you to do that. What I am suggesting is to stop the tunnel vision. See people as Jesus sees them. Lost, hell-bound, blind in need of a Savior if they don’t know Him. And not just the homeless people we see but all the other people we see in our daily lives. The girl that hands us our Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks twice a week. That cashier that checks us out every single week we are buying groceries. Or the waiter whose service we request at our favorite restaurant.  Do they know Jesus? Have you asked them?
I went back to see Tina the next week. This time she ran to hug me when she saw me! We fellowshipped more and she poured out her whole life story to me. She is my sister’s age but weathered and looks much older.  An only child. Both parents deceased within months of each other. Never married. No children. No living relatives that she could remember. What a bittersweet special time we had. I asked Sam I wondered why someone would tell me their whole life story? ME a total stranger! He said, “You are probably the first person who asked.” He was probably right.
Several days later I was going through my receipts and came across the Wendy’s receipt where I had gotten lunch that day. The name of the street I had driven UP and DOWN and ACROSS to find Tina that Bible and where she stood on the corner was called, “Battleground Ave.” How appropriate the street was named. Coincidence? (You know the drill. Shake your head) What a spiritual warfare that was going on with me that day. It was a battleground!

Does the story stop there? No! One week later I was asked to share my story with the prayer team of the WPEC on a conference call. At the end a lady on the line spoke up and said, “Which Target was it?” Another long story short that lady lived in Greensboro and said she would also minister to Tina. Months later I was asked to tell my story at the women’s conference. After the session a young lady approached me and said, “I live in Greensboro and I’ve seen Tina before! I’ll be on the lookout for her as well.” Friends that’s us being the hands and feet of Jesus.  I’ve been back to see her twice more and she hasn’t been there but I still think of her often and pray for her.
4-11 "Information Day" the most valuable information you can give someone is the hope found in a living Savior. Show someone Jesus today!

Isaiah 52:7

 How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
“Your God reigns!”


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Jesus, Bunnies and Elvis

I should preface this blog with saying I’m not trying to upset or offend anyone. I’m just thinking OUT LOUD today on a topic that has weighed on my mind the past few years. I don’t condemn anyone if they do Santa or the Easter Bunny. In fact I grew up having baskets of candy, egg hunts and Santa.  Also, in the past for “tradition sake” I have incorporated all of the above in my own kid's lives.  Though a few years ago my holiday celebration mindset has changed. I want my kids to know the true meaning of the holidays minus secular traditions.  For me  I have a sense of urgency to teach them TRUTH now and if I don’t teach them the true meaning who is?

Not to get sidetracked but when I was a little girl I was so SHOCKED when my mom told me Elvis was dead! He died when I was 4 years old. I had watched Blue Hawaii and some of the other classic Elvis movies. I said "how can he be dead when he is on TV?" I think small children have a hard time distinguishing between reality and fantasy. Ethan has asked on several occasions when watching TV “are they real or make believe?” When he asked 2 years ago is “Santa real” our answer was no. Then we proceeded to explain the “tradition” and he had a look on his face that said “ok so you’ve been lying to me?” Don’t we teach our kids NOT to lie?
Did I believe in Santa as a kid?  Yes. Was I taught the true meaning of Christmas and Easter growing up  . . .yes! Praise the Lord I got it but can you see how a child could get lost in the mix of bunnies, Santa and even the Tooth Fairy? Ok if Santa and the Easter Bunny isn’t real how do I know this man Jesus you’ve been teaching me about is real? Besides I can SEE Santa AND the Easter Bunny at the mall.  As a parent what would your answer be? “Well they aren’t real but Jesus is?” Doesn’t an ounce of trust and creditability with your children go out the window with that answer? Breaks my heart to think that it’s EASIER for kids to BELIEVE in Santa and the Easter Bunny than JESUS and we as parents are teaching them to believe in those things. Elf on the Shelf included!

When you sit down and really focus on Christ it causes bunnies, eggs and Santa (even Elvis) seem ridiculous in light of what we should be celebrating. Why do we have to tack on characters like the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus to the two MOST VITAL . . . .basis of our Christian faith celebrations? Why isn't Jesus Christ's BIRTH and DEATH and the LIFE CHANGING significance of both ENOUGH?

It is for me.
"Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)"

One day when Heaven was filled with His praises
One day when sin was as black as could be
Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin
Dwelt among men, my example is He
Word became flesh and the light shined among us
His glory revealed

Living, He loved me
Dying, He saved me
Buried, He carried my sins far away
Rising, He justified freely forever
One day He's coming
Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

One day they led Him up Calvary's mountain
One day they nailed Him to die on a tree
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected
Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He
Hands that healed nations, stretched out on a tree
And took the nails for me

One day the grave could conceal Him no longer
One day the stone rolled away from the door
Then He arose, over death He had conquered
Now He's ascended, my Lord evermore
Death could not hold Him, the grave could not keep Him
From rising again

One day the trumpet will sound for His coming
One day the skies with His glories will shine
Wonderful day, my Beloved One, bringing
My Savior, Jesus, is mine

Glorious day, Oh, Glorious day

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from our house to yours!
Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
O Holy Night!
The stars are brightly shining,
It is the night of our dear Saviours birth;
Long lay the world in sin and error pining,
'Til He appeared and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn;
Fall on your knees,
Oh, hear the angels voices!
O night divine, O night when Christ was born!
O night, O holy night,
O night divine!

Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand;
So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming,
Here came the wise men from Orient land.
The King of kings lay thus in lowly manger,
In all our trials born to be our Friend;
He knows our need,
To our weakness is no stranger.
Behold your King, before Him lowly bend!
Behold your King, before Him lowly bend!

Truly He taught us to love one another;
His law is love and His gospel is peace;
Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother,
And in His name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy name;
Christ is the Lord,
Oh, praise His name forever!
His powr and glory evermore proclaim!
His powr and glory evermore proclaim!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

A year ago today. . . .

Joshua 4:6-7 (NASB)

6 Let this be a sign among you, so that when your children ask later, saying, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’ 7 then you shall say to them, ‘Because the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord; when it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off.’ So these stones shall become a memorial to the sons of Israel forever.”

December 16th. . . a year ago today I sat across a desk from the doctor after Sam's surgery who told me Sam indeed had cancer. The previous 3 days had been a whirlwind of doctors and tests and now the confirmation of cancer. I went numb . . .shock. I couldn't comprehend and didn't understand. Just 65 days prior Sam's nephew Joey went to heaven after his earthly body had succumbed to cancer. Now we were facing the dreaded "C" word. Shock. A week later scans showed the cancer had spread and Sam would start out the New Year with 12 weeks of intense chemotherapy. More shock. Our vocabulary and topic of conversation was riddled with new words like cisplatin, bleomycin, etoposide, ANC, WBC, AFP and BHCG.

But here we are a year later on the other side of the Jordon. The journey the Lord sent us on wasn't an easy one but the lessons we gleaned from this time are overwhelming! We were blessed time and time again by His word, His promises and His people. The Lord supplied our needs when it looked impossible. Several times he supplied very SPECIFIC needs and we were blown away because ONLY GOD knew the need! Sam's scans continue to be clear and cancer free and his blood work continues to be in the normal range. PRAISE THE LORD!

I was given a word from the Lord a few days after Sam's diagnoses:

2 Corinthians 1:10 He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On Him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us. (NIV)

God is faithful and true to His Word! Amen?

Do you have memorial stones? April 22, August 11, December 9, October 12, and December 16th . . . on each of these days something has happened in my life. Big things. Though I may have not understood the why I have always understood the WHO that was in control. I think it is important to set up memorial stones. It doesn't have to be an actual stone but it could be. I'm thinking more along the lines of a journal to write down those "Jordons" that the Lord has brought you through. So the next time you are about to wade the river you can remember how He parted the waters and you made it across.

Friday, November 30, 2012

30 days of thankfulness

I really wanted to do the 30 days of thankfulness like lots of people on Facebook are doing.  . . .but I kept forgetting! SO here is ALL of my 30 days TODAY! :)
1.      My Salvation (John 3:16)
2.      My husband . . . . and his mad mechanical skills . . . .that has saved us oodles over the years! (Especially recently when I tried to play “bumper cars”)
3.      My two beautiful blonde headed babies!!
4.      My family
5.      The Bible
6.      My friends
7.      My church and BIBLE preaching pastor
8.      A statement my pastor made I've been pondering on all week "The secret to forgiveness is to bask in your OWN forgiveness."
9.      My church family
10.  My Jesus girls (AKA “snot” sisters) and the Titus 2 women in my life.
11.  El Roi . . . the God who sees
12.  Jehovah Raphe . . .the God who heals.
13.  God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness
14.  That I by God’s grace live in America.
15.  That I was raised in the south. It's actually "reared" in the South. One of my English teachers used to say "chickens are raised . . . .children are reared." They were right. . .look it up :)
16.  My job
17.  My home and all the comforts that go with that.
18.  K-Love 94.1FM
19.  Weekends
20.  My dog Chloe . . .who was my first baby. . .though she thinks I’m her baby! LOL
21.  Starbucks white chocolate mocha with a pump of peppermint
22.  Cheerwine
23.  Modern Medicine
24.  Technology
25.  Hair color
26.  My new part-time "job" . . .not really like a job because it's fun!
27.  ZUMBA! Seriously!
28.  The Christmas Season and its true meaning
29.  A chilly night with a full moon that is so BRIGHT it leaves you awe struck
30.  Romans 8:26