I hope to blog at least once a week. (Don't hold me to it) But I do want to share with everyone what's going on with us in hopes that it may help someone else.
We've started Ethan at Brain Balance Achievement Center. (To learn more about BB you can read about them here http://www.brainbalancecenters.com/ or find them on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/brainbalancecharlotte )
Ethan just finished up his first week at the center. He has done really well and we are SO SO proud of him!! He has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD).
As a parent, I expect my child to behave in an acceptable manner at school and
everywhere else. However, I have had to recognize that certain behaviors are
characteristic of AD/HD. Some of these behaviors are disruptive but Ethan
isn’t trying to be “bad.” Instead, he’s responding to difficulties and deficits
that result from his disorder. It’s not my poor parenting, lack of disciplining him or my kid is just a
brat . . .AD/HD is REAL!! For those that don’t believe it is I’d be glad to
educate you.
I love Ethan for who he is
and EXACTLY how GOD made him. He's not a victim and I'm not a victim. People may look at me and say (and yes have said to me before--well meaning clueless people I might add) "Wow she has her hands full with him. " Yes I do! Full of blessings! I'm blessed to have Ethan as my son. After a week at Brain Balance and seeing children with all sorts of difficulties I know I'm blessed BEYOND measure! Yes having a child with AD/HD is hard. Some days he drives me a little crazy but at the end of the day I'm still BLESSED and thank God for the little guy who made me Mom. BLESSED that God knew Ethan was the PERFECT fit for ME when HE knitted him in my womb.
His AD/HD has made me learn a lot about myself. I've learned to pick and choose my battles. Patience. Understanding. Perspective. How to ignore certain behavior even though honestly it is making me nuts! How to say I'm sorry on days I totally blow it. Consistency and schedules have to exist and that family is my first ministry. This season in my life God is calling me to focus on my family and my children. I've had to let go of other serving aspects which was a hard thing for me. I want to do it ALL! But who am I kidding? I'm not Wonder Woman and would never fit into her outfit anyways.
So what is this Brain Balance? If you have a child with AD/HD I highly recommend you read Disconnected Kids by Dr. Robert Melillo. That will give you a good idea on what Brain Balance is and does. You actually don't have to go to the center to perform the exercises that can help your child but we chose to go since there is one in our area.
Through a series of assessments it was determined Ethan is right brain weak. So when he goes to the center (3 days a week) and we do exercises at home (3 times a day) those all target on strengthening the right side of the brain. We also do core strengthening exercise since kids with AD/HD tend to be clumsy and typically have no self-awareness of body position. The big long technical term is proprioception in case you were wondering.
One of our main goals for going to Brain Balance is for him to be off his medication and stay off. He has been off medication for an entire week now and with only one major meltdown. (He typically had them daily and multiple times a day) That meltdown was due in large part to the fact our whole entire life routines have changed the past week and we all are adjusting. Kids with AD/HD have a hard time when routines are changed.
The staff at BB is AMAZING!! They are all so kind and understanding. Ethan has the biggest smile on his face when he leaves. They know just the right way to cheer him on. It's also been great to meet other parents and talk with them about their children. For me that is therapy! It is refreshing to talk to people who are going through similar things because people who aren't going through "this" don't truly understand. It's nice to know you are not the only one.
Why did we choose Brain Balance? Honestly from the beginning it was a "God thing." It all started with a post a dear friend of mine put on Facebook about the book Disconnected Kids. After reading the book, researching, talking to God about it, researching more, discussing with my friend, seeing the results she had with her son, talking to God about it, talking to God about it, talking to God about it. . . .everything one day just fell into place. And here we are full force into the 2nd week . . . crazy schedules and all. The good news is we are now in a new routine with new schedules . . . still getting the kinks worked out . . . but at the end of the day again we are BLESSED!
I'll leave you with two thoughts. . . Psalm 139:14 (NKJV) I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works; and that my soul knows very well.
Secondly. . . a friend on mine posted this on Facebook and it spoke volumes to me!
This post makes me smile. :-) Sometimes it's so hard to let go of all the opinions of others and just trust God with our choices. I'm so proud of you and Sam for taking this huge leap for Ethan and that you have already met so many supportive, helpful people through BB. Keep on writing, girl! :-)