I'm finding out what Moses said in this verse is so very true! The Bible is not just words but LIFE!
"They are not just idle words for you--they are your life. By them you will live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess." ~Deuteronomy 32:47

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Turning 39 Manifesto

Definition of Manifesto (yes I had to look it up)
: a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer

I'm 39 today. Last year of my "thirties." Boy how time flies by. The past week I've been reflecting on the past. Typically I don't do this on my birthday because birthdays don't bother me like they do some people. But those decade birthdays make me pause and think about the previous 10 years.

During the years 19 to 29 . . . .  I attended and graduated college. Met Sam and got married.  I had many different occupations (receptionist, DJ, retail manager, AP Clerk). Bought my first house (ALL 970 square feet and you had to sit on the toilet sideways). I bought a motorcycle and learned to ride. Bought my first new car and sold it (Thanks Lisa Marie). When I turned 29 I got 3 tattoos. It's just ink!! :) Traveled lots. Met people from all over the world and made some pretty good friends.

During the years 29 to 39. . . . well we bought another house. The day I turned 30 I flew for the first time on an airplane to Los Angeles. . . . that was a long trip. Sam and I spent about a week in LA, went to the Price is Right, met Bob Barker, and wrote my name in the sand on Santa Monica Beach.  I went back to college and I got the job where I've worked almost 7 years. I became a mother to two BEAUTIFUL babies!! Suffered the loss of people I dearly loved (accident, suicide, cancer).  Experienced personally the torment of cancer and chemo. Had financial gain and financial loss.

Life has been an ebb and flow. So has my relationship with the Lord. He's ALWAYS been there even when I withdrew from him. I can pinpoint times in my life when I was so close to Him and other times when I was far removed. In a Bible study a few weeks ago we were discussing the ups and downs of our Christian walk and what is the root. A wise Titus 2 woman said it's because we forget we have to surrender DAILY to the Lord. Not once a week or once a year but DAILY. It is a DAILY surrender and a relationship with our Lord that keeps us close to Him. We are the ones that move. . . not Him. Not a religion but a RELATIONSHIP. A relationship like we would have with our BFF. As the old hymn says, "What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!" Prayer a privilege? YES!!!

My "manifesto" (not really but I like saying that word. Say it with me /manəˈfestō/ LOL) or motive is to encourage you to have a relationship with the Lord. Don't have an incline and decline in your walk with Christ like I did. AVOID IT!!  Talk to him daily, read his word and listen. I'm thankful I'm not the person I was 10 years ago or 20 years ago. Those who know me well know that I'm not even the same person I was 6 months ago! Thankful for the relationship I now experience with my Savior who has pressed, shaped, and molded me into the person I am today.

On my 39th birthday I'm thankful for so many blessings in my life. I'm still the free spirited, fun loving, JESUS loving 19 or 29 year old Beverly I was  . . . . but hopefully by God's grace  . . . just a slightly better version!

I Corinthians 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me did not prove vain. . .


  1. Beverly:

    What a wonderful reminder. Been through the ups and downs as well. I hope that my children will learn this lesson of daily walking with the Lord earlier I did.


  2. Thanks for sharing those encouraging thoughts, Beverly! I am also a lover of life and of JESUS, enjoy my Yamaha Road Star 1600, and have two awesome sons whom I now look UP to! This past April I celebrated the 33rd anniversary of my 18th birthday. ;-) I've decided I'll change the number every 10th birthday or so, so I have another 9 years to be 18. Woohoo! And every moment of every day is still not enough time to praise and worship and love on my amazing Father God. After all those up and down years as you described too, I love Him and myself now more than ever. So since we'll meet later (in heaven for sure, and who knows, maybe while we're still here on Earth) I just wanted to let you know that you touched my heart today and inspired even more praise. Thank you!
    In faith, hope and love,
